Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Where did the time go?

Holy Hannah where has the time gone? Ok I swear I was going to post about Christmas and I'm not sure what happened but here it is. It was exciting and so great to see there faces. I was so worried that they would be disappointed that we didn't get them anything for Christmas since we had bought for some under privileged kids. It didn't phase them they were still so excited. Especially since Kolby asked Santa for a family vacation and of coarse Santa does not like to disappoint so we're going to Disney World. Santa brought Karlee an ipod and Kasen got a nintendo DS. Oh and a webkinz that they have been begging for every time we go to the store. So there it is! Maybe one day I will finally get some pictures down loaded so I can post them. Justin and my best friend Keri surprised me with Keri coming out to visit me for a week in February. We had such a blast. I miss her a ton all ready. Justin I'm pretty sure is winning the husband of the year award for that one. Sorry ladies he's taken! Kasen has started TaeKwonDo with Kolby and LOVES it! He does flying side kicks all over the house, store, school, etc. He thinks he's a ninja. Its great. Karlee is doing so good in dance it is amazing how well she can remember things. Her teacher shows the step to her once and she can remember. I don't remember picking up on stuff that fast! But I don't remember a lot of things after having kids.