Friday, October 31, 2008

I'm not quit sure why the header picture has a date of 03? In fact a lot of my pictures have the date, which I am not so excited about, and none of the dates are correct. Go figure.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thanks Kristi

I got this off the Robinsons blog and thought I should post it. I LOVE it too!

"For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others."

Audrey Hepburn

Monday, October 27, 2008

My Poor Little Duncan

Today I got a phone call that Karlee had an accident at school on the playground. At first I thought she had an accident (pee) I thought to myself that's not like her. Then the lady on the other end said she might need stitches. I hung up on her and was to the school in about a minute. A walked into the office to a bloody mess. Poor Karlee had her hands in her pockets and tripped on her way inside. Luckily she didn't brake her nose, but her two front teeth are going to fall out. Good thing they are not her permenent teeth. She does have a big cut in her mouth but its not deep enough for stitches. So this is what my poor baby looks like after ice and ibuprophen.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm not It Anymore

8 Things I Am Passionate About
1. Justin, Kolby, Karlee, Kasen and the rest of the fam
2. Good Friends
3. Music, even though I don't play i still love to listen
4. My dogs (I know but they are like family)
5. determined to dance again in a class
6. working out (usually)
7. getting my house decorated

8. being a good mom
8 Words Or Phrases I Say Often
1. Huh
2. Sure
3. Please ...
4. I love you
5. Babe
6. Sleep Good
7. Nice!
8. Not so much
8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1. Watch my children grow up healthy and happy
2. Hold my grandchildren
3. Be happy and content
4. Run a race
5. travel the world with my husband
6. make a difference in the world
7. fly a plane
8. the list goes on
8 Things I Have Learned From My Past
1. The Lord is always there for you
2. You plan and life happens
3. I am truly blessed
4. Nothing is free except your own will
5. My children saved my life
6. The grass is always greener on the other side so just imagine what the people on the
other side think
7. Life is what you make of it and I am still making it barely some
8. I love my family and friends
8 Places I Would Love To Go Or See
1. Italy
2. South of France
3. Greek Islands
4. Germany
5. Ireland
6. Australia
7. Costa Rica
8. Alaska
8 Things I Currently Need Or Want
1. A Girls Week
2. NO Student loans
3. NO sick kids
4. My Volvo
5. Sleep
6. For Blue October to go on tour (come to WI)
7. To see my mom and and friends
8. I could go on and on about wants I guess I really don't need anything except 1 through
I tag Keri, Kristy D, Kristi R, Kellee, Sara


Karlee is now 6 and in first grade. She is doing so good, our little social butterfly has had no problems making friends. Although shy at first or I should say in large groups of people which kind of surprises me considering she rules the roost at our house. Having an older and younger brother she has learned how to hold her own. I'm not sure but I think her sweet little voice and big eyes help out. Ya, she pretty much gets what she wants. I am so blessed to have such a sweet little girl and two boys to keep an eye on her. She cracks me up this child of mine does not like candy. We all wonder why? She loves to dance. I wonder where she gets that She always wants her feet rubbed (little diva). When we are in the car she always tells me to turn the radio up so she can sing louder(I tell her I hear angels singing). Oh, I just remembered the candy she does like gum, sour punch straws,and cheese cake she loves cheese cake. Anyways, I came across this photo and I just thought it was so cute.